The Hierophant cards

Church CoffersBasicSkill2Draw 2 cards. Gain [E] [E] ([E]). hierophant:Tithe.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
PunishBasicAttack2Deal 8 (10) damage. Gain 8 (12) hierophant:Piety.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Auric BeamCommonAttack2 (1)Lose 10% of your Gold. Deal that much damage.
Display Of PowerCommonAttack1Place a card on top of your draw pile. Deal damage equal to 5 (8) times its cost.
DoubloonCommonSkill0Draw 1 card. Lose 4 Gold. (not Lose 4 Gold.) Exhaust. hierophant:Hoard 8.
EncroachCommonSkill1Gain 7 (9) Block. Draw 2 (3) cards if any enemy has Block.
Fiery StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. Gain 6 (8) hierophant:Fervor.
Flaming ChariotCommonAttack2Deal 15 (22) damage. Benefits from hierophant:Fervor without consuming it.
Hammer And AnvilCommonSkill1Give an enemy 10 (15) Block. Gain 10 (15) hierophant:Fervor, doubled if that enemy already had Block.
Holy VerseCommonSkill1Gain 10 (15) hierophant:Piety.
Morning PrayerCommonSkill2Gain 12 (16) Block. Gain 2 hierophant:Enlightened.
Ornate BucklerCommonSkill1Gain 8 (11) Block. hierophant:Hoard 3 (4).
Passing BellCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. Gain 1 (2) hierophant:Enlightened.
PurifyCommonAttack2Heal an enemy 10 (15) HP. Deal 20 (30) damage. hierophant:Tithe.
RemorseCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Deals 3 (4) additional damage per Doubloon in your Exhaust pile. hierophant:Gilded.
Repressed ViolenceCommonAttack0Deal 1 damage. Ethereal. When Exhausted, permanently increase its damage by 2 (3).
Rusty CrateCommonSkillUnplayable. hierophant:Hoard 8 (16). hierophant:Gilded 2.
Seal AwayCommonAttack1 (0)Deal 10 damage. Enemy gains 10 Block.
SermonCommonSkill1Apply 1 (2) Weak to ALL enemies. Gain 6 hierophant:Fervor.
ShelterCommonSkill1Gain 8 (12) Block. ALL enemies gain 8 (12) Block.
SmiteCommonAttack1Gain 6 (9) hierophant:Piety. Deal damage equal to the hierophant:Piety gained this turn.
Three LashesCommonAttack0Deal 1 (2) damage three times. Gain 5 hierophant:Fervor.
ZealCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Gain hierophant:Piety equal to twice the damage blocked.
AlmsUncommonSkill0Discard your hand, then draw (Draw) cards equal to the combined cost discarded (of your hand). Exhaust.
Archangel ShieldUncommonPower2 (1)When you spend hierophant:Fervor, gain that much Block.
Auric ShieldUncommonSkill1Lose 5 (8)% of your Gold. Gain that much block.
BlessingUncommonSkill1Heal 7 (10). Heal ALL enemies 7 (10). Exhaust.
BribeUncommonSkill4NL ALL enemies lose 3 (4) Strength. hierophant:Tithe. Exhaust.
CharityUncommonPower1When you play a Doubloon, gain 5 (8) hierophant:Piety. hierophant:Gilded.
ChorusUncommonSkill1Gain 4 hierophant:Fervor. Double your hierophant:Fervor. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Coin FlingUncommonAttack0Discard a card. Deal 6 (9) damage. Deals double damage if you discarded a Doubloon. hierophant:Gilded.
CommunityUncommonPower2When an enemy gains Block, gain that much Block.(Innate.)
Convert CurrencyUncommonSkill0Exhaust a card. Gain [E] ([E]), then [E] [E] if you Exhausted a Doubloon. hierophant:Gilded.
Cursed GoldUncommonPower0At the start of your turn, shuffle 1 (2) Doubloon(s) from your Exhaust pile into your discard pile. hierophant:Gilded.
DazzleUncommonSkill0Gain 4 (6) Block. Gain 4 (6) Block for each Doubloon in your hand. hierophant:Gilded.
DoomsayingUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain Energy equal to the highest cost among the top 3 cards of your draw pile.
EmbezzleUncommonSkill0Gain 40 (60) Gold. At the end of combat, return any of the 40 (60) Gold you did not spend. Exhaust.
EmpathyUncommonSkill0Heal ALL enemies 12. Apply 1 Weak and 1 Vulnerable per 6 (4) HP healed.
EndureUncommonSkill1Gain 8 (12) Block. Whenever you are attacked this turn, gain 3 (5) hierophant:Piety.
ExaltationUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain hierophant:Piety equal to your hierophant:Fervor and hierophant:Fervor equal to your hierophant:Piety.
Eye For CoinUncommonSkill2Permanently add a (an Upgraded) Doubloon to your deck. Exhaust.
Faith HealingUncommonSkill1Exhaust ALL Curses and Status cards in your hand. Gain 8 (12) hierophant:Piety per card Exhausted.
FlagellationUncommonSkill1Add 2 Wounds to your hand. Gain 15 (22) hierophant:Piety.
GlossolaliaUncommonPower3 (2)When you draw a card, gain hierophant:Fervor equal to its cost.
MartyrdomUncommonPower1Shuffle three Wounds into your draw pile. Whenever you draw a Status card, gain 5 (7) hierophant:Fervor.
MercenariesUncommonAttack2hierophant:Tithe. Deal 1 (3) damage per (2) Gold lost this turn.
Mirror ShieldUncommonSkill0Gain Block equal to an enemy's Block.(Draw a card.)
Ornate JavelinUncommonAttack2Deal 18 (24) damage. Exhaust. hierophant:Hoard 4 (6).
PatienceUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain hierophant:Piety equal to an enemy's Block.
Pristine SoulUncommonSkill1Gain 4 hierophant:Piety (Piety). Gain Block equal to your hierophant:Piety. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
ProphecyUncommonSkillXPlay the highest cost card among the top X (X+1) cards of your draw pile.
RacketeeringUncommonSkill0Give an enemy 10 (15) Block. Draw a card for each 5 Block on that enemy. Exhaust.
RebuildUncommonSkill2 (1)Everyone loses ALL Block. Everyone gains 15 Block.
Recall FundsUncommonSkill1Return up to 3 (5) Doubloons from your Exhaust pile to your hand. Exhaust. hierophant:Gilded.
RefugeUncommonPower1When you draw a Doubloon, everyone gains 4 (6) Block. hierophant:Gilded.
RepentanceUncommonSkill1At the end of this turn, instead of losing hierophant:Piety, gain twice that much hierophant:Piety. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Secret StashUncommonSkill1Ethereal. hierophant:Hoard 20 (30).
Solar FlareUncommonAttack5Gain Block equal to your hierophant:Fervor. Deal 24 (32) damage. hierophant:Tithe.
Toll The BellsUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain [E] [E]. Gain 2 hierophant:Enlightened. Shuffle 2 Dazed into your draw pile.
UpheavalUncommonAttack2 (1)Deal damage to ALL enemies equal to twice their Block.
AnathemaRareAttack3 (2)Deal 2 damage per hierophant:Piety. Lose all hierophant:Piety.
Auric FormRarePower3At the start of your turn, lose 5 (8)% of your gold, then gain that much hierophant:Fervor and hierophant:Piety.
BatterRareAttack1Deal 11 (16) damage. If any damage is blocked, deal 11 (16) additional damage.
Bulky ChestRareSkillUnplayable. When you draw this card, lose [E]. hierophant:Hoard 50 (80).
CornucopiaRareSkillXAdd X+1 (Upgraded) Doubloons to your hand. Exhaust.
Death KnellRareSkill1Your Attacks deal no damage for 2 turns. After 2 turns, gain 40 (60) hierophant:Fervor.
DeterminationRarePower2 (1)When you defeat an enemy, heal for a third of its remaining HP.
Divine interventionRareSkill1Heal an enemy 15 (30) HP. Gain 2 hierophant:Piety per HP healed.
GenerosityRarePower2 (1)Whenever you play a Doubloon, draw an additional card. hierophant:Gilded.
InvocationRareSkill4Gain [E] [E] [E] ([E]) [E] [E] [E] ([E]). hierophant:Tithe.
KindleRareSkill1 (0)Gain 1 Strength. Gain 8 hierophant:Fervor.
LevitationRareSkill4 (6)Gain 1 (2) Intangible. Exhaust. hierophant:Tithe.
Locust PlagueRareAttack3Deal 4 (6) damage to a random enemy, times the combined cost of your hand.
Minter's HammerRareAttack2Permanently Upgrade EVERY Doubloon in your hand. For each Doubloon Upgraded, deal 20 (30) damage to ALL enemies.
Wrath Of GodRareAttack6Deal 40 (60) damage to all enemies and a fifth ( 8 (12) ) to you. hierophant:Tithe.

The Hierophant relics

Prophetic MaskStarterHierophant_gold_colorRetain the highest cost card of your hand (Chosen at random when tied).For and from the heavens.
Donation BoxUncommonHierophant_gold_colorAt the end of each combat, earn enough gold to reach a total of 80.Beggars can't be choosers.

The Hierophant keywords

Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest is to match keywords like the single word keyword.
hierophant:enlightenedGain an additional 50% Piety while Enlightened.
hierophant:fervorYour next attack this turn deals 10% additional damage per level of Fervor.
hierophant:gildedWhen you add this card to your deck, add a Doubloon to your deck.
hierophant:hoardEarn gold at the end of combat if this card is not exhausted.
hierophant:pietyAt the end of your turn, defeat ANY enemies with HP equal or lower than your Piety and lose a third of your Piety.
hierophant:titheWhen your energy is insufficient, can be partially paid with gold at a rate of 10 gold per missing Energy.
hierophant:vowSpecial Power that imposes a restriction in exchange for an advantage.

The Hierophant creatures

The HierophantPlayer75